Friday, March 19, 2010

Pictures of my first 30 days

Hi folks. Thanks to ELCA colleagues Andrea and Luke Roske-Metcalfe, I have a comfortable bed, a laptop and a wireless connection, and a ride to Mexico City this weekend. I just spent the last three hours uploading photos to a new album called "The First 30 Days." Click here to see all 60 photos of Cuba and Mexico! The one above was taken at the Colony Hotel on the Isla de la Juventud, Cuba.
For the next couple weeks I'll be posting words only as I am on the road in Mexico City and then to Oaxaca for four days, then take a long bus trip to the border town of Tapachula, Mexico, where I hope to get a bus to Antigua, Guatemala. Antigua, where I'll be for a couple weeks, will be my next picture opportunity. But you'll be hearing from me!

1 comment:

  1. Hola chica! Finally checking in with your blog (while I'm in Hawaii- lol!)

    I've been catching up on your posts, and now I am off to see your pics! Good to hear about your trip so far!

    - Margaret
