Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Endless frustration and a link to another post

Maybe the USB has a virus. Maybe the camera does. Maybe it's his fault. Maybe it's mine. While the Internet cafe man and I argue in a language I don't know well, I still can't upload photos to this blog or to Picasa.

And all the great posts I write in my head at night have vanished when I get to the computer 20 hours later.

However, I did succeed in meeting my twice-monthly deadline on the ELCA World Hunger blog, Hunger Rumblings, so you can read that reflection on Cuba and simple living here.

It has been quite hot in Cuernavaca. Tomorrow my fellow students and I are going to swim a bit in our school´s pool after our classes and discussions have ended. Of course I've taken a picture of the school and the pool; of course, I can't post it.

Oh well.

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